Porto Alegre

The program in Porto Alegre was hosted at Ananda Marga Porto Alegre center (on July 22) and at Ánandam center (on July 23 and 24). Following activities were conducted:

  • July 22: tabla workshop with Ashesh and talk by Kirit.
  • July 23 (evening): “Indian Night” event with musical presentation by Kirit and Ashesh and Indian dance presentation by Gopa Shree.
  • July 23 and 24: Prabhat Samgiita Indian Music Workshop with Kirit and Ashesh.


Access the Workshop booklet (with option to download as pdf):


Group gathered at the Prabhat Samgiita Indian Music Workshop at Ánandam center



Evening meeting for a talk by Kirit at the Ananda Marga Porto Alegre center